Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Things I heart about Madrid
aka Cosas que amo sobre Madrid

1. Calle de Hilarión Eslava: This is my new street that I walk down to go to school. It is much nicer to walk through a neighborhood than next to a bust street. Plus this street is full of interesting shops, including a surf shop???, a huge grocery store, and also a store that sells clothing reminescent of horse riders. Plust there is a Mexican food restaurant and two night clubs. Fun times.

2. Coffee: The coffee here is amazing. Even Starbucks is delicious... and I hate to admit that is where I am often found hanging out due to its prominance as the only cafe in the city where you can´t smoke. But in general the coffee is great, and strong. And you will be hard pressed to find regular coffee... you will be drinking espresso in one of its various forms. There is café con leche, which is espresso with steamed milk, and this is drank by true Spaniards only in the morning. It is like a slightly stronger latte. Then there is the cortado. This is basically a shot of espresso with a raindrop of milk in it. This is what the Spaniards drink the rest of the day. If you are feeling particulary gutsy, you can have the straight espresso shot, but I havent gotten to that point.

3. Short people: This one may seem a little bit odd, but since it has been raining for the past 5 months (ok like 5 days... it gets old fast)this is pertinent. When it rains even a tiny bit, the Spaniards whip out their umbrellas. These things are permanently attached to their hands. It is a challenge to walk about Madrid normally, but when it rains, the sidewalks are slick in places, and you have to dodge the umbrellas. This has proved almost deadly for Maren, as she is the perfect height to be blinded my the pokey ends of the umbrellas when they are opened. I luckily am way above the short people´s umbrellas.

more to come...


Anonymous said...

Okay, Clint, I have to say this because you would correct me in a second. It's I have drunk, not I have drank!!! Got you.
Glad you are tall enough to avoid the umbrellas.

Maren said...

sweet! and it's true about the umbrellas, not only do I constantly fear for my eyes, but one day a handle got hooked around my leg somehow...

ok now my turn!

3 things i heart about madrid

1. manchego cheese - made from sheep's milk, this cheese is similar to parmesan and quite tasty, esp when doused liberally in olive oil (in true Spanish fashion)

2. zara - awesome store, I love their clothes, not too expensive, and there are about 5 billion of them in madrid. true story.

3. Clinty! ok maybe this doesn't count, so...

3. the Spanish aesthetic - every block in Madrid seems to have either a) a large ornate fountain, b) some sort of sculpture (usually modern), or c) both
plus, everyone dresses nicely - teenage boys, middle-aged women, disgustingly cute children...

Jennifer said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I hope spain is still fun and exciting!
