So as many of you know (because you all follow London weather conditions), it snowed! Last Thursday I awoke to a blanket of powder covering everything. This was good, except I had to go to class that is a 20 minute walk away at another campus. And I was stupid and didn't take the bus. By the time I arrived, I was freezing because my feet were soaked. The sidewalks were slush and it was horrible. After I came home and ate lunch I took these beautiful pictures for you, the readers of my blog. You should feel loved.

The snowy stairs of Regent's canal

A view of a church

I call it a snow-bush-flower-plant

The snowy bench (it looks so inviting... but no)


mind the bird...

tulips love the snow
yay, snow! I really like that first pic.
It's nice to see that you can be miserable weather-wise just like us poor folks here in FREEZING Oklahoma!
Thanks for writing this.
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