Saturdays lend themselves for excursions into the realm of central London. This is like a far away world compared to the reality of life in the East End. Central London is the things of postcards: Big Ben, Parliament, and the London Eye. The East End is home to the many different ethnicities that make London such a diverse place. Its like they are two different cities, yet all in one. Last Saturday I traveled into central for a day hopping museums and in search of St. George's Gardens. I first ventured to the British Museum. This is a collection of artifacts from all the places that have been conquered by the British empire at some time. This includes Roman sculpture, African artwork, and Egyptian mummies. The museum is vast, and more importantly, free, so it is always packed with tourists and Londoners alike. Here are a few highlights from my visit:

Attesting to the multicultural visitors (and tourism in general), the Egyptian guide is printed in 8 languages.

A view of the inner courtyard.

The lion in the courtyard... yeah the Brits stole it from somewhere... I would guess Italy

On to the Egyptians... Some statues made of???

Mummified cats... and the sign assured that they were real.

On to stealing from Rome! And doesn't this bust look like Will Ferrell?

And this was stolen from... somewhere happy.
More in an upcoming post about St. George's Gardens...